Monday, August 29, 2011

The Creation Station Crew

Will Shipley
 Hey guys! My name is Will (short for Guillaume), and I’m the project leader for The Creation Station. I’m an Econ major and I’m also minoring in French and maybe Financial Econ. I’ll just run through a hit-list of things you should know about me. I started out in Engineering and then ran to A&S. I love playing tennis, ultimate, and basketball. I love to travel, and I have an unhealthy obsession with anything French. Artistically, music is very important to me but I also enjoy fine art, cinema, and poetry.

Alex Rigl
Hi there! My name is Alex Rigl and I am incredibly excited to be starting on this VIP venture: The Creation Station. Throughout my life I have surrounded myself with creative endeavors—be it poetry writing, musical theatre, or artistic projects—and am so glad to be embarking on a mission to not only further ground myself in an artsy background but to encourage others to embrace self expression in their lives. This year is definitely going to be fun and exciting and I cannot wait to see what lies ahead! I am positively intrigued by all of the opportunities that we, as a team, will be presented with to grow, learn, and broaden our interests.

Chris Fink
Hey everyone! My name is Chris Fink, and I’m a sophomore majoring in MHS from Milwaukee, Wisconsin (Katie’s favorite state). I’m very excited to be participating in the Creation Station’s exploration of art throughout Nashville because, frankly, I don’t and haven’t done a whole lot of art. Aside from VIP, I’m a tour guide on campus and a research assistant at VUMC. An interesting fact about me is that I went to Disney World twice in one year (although I was only 1 so don’t remember much of it). 

Madeline Whitaker
Hey there! My name is Madeline (from Terre Haute, Indiana, Holla Holla!) and I love living life to its fullest.  Trying new things helps keep my life exciting :] Also, living vicariously through the girls on Millionaire Matchmaker! I am double majoring in elementary education and child studies (hoping to squeeze a cool minor in there as well).  My favorite color is brown and I have a deep passion for music. Hit me up for a bike ride anytime!

Josh Grubb

I am currently a sophomore here at Vanderbilt and am a student of the College of Arts & Sciences.  Majoring in Latin American Studies and Political Science, one day I want to combine these two interests by working to better international relations between the U.S. and Latin America.  Hailing from Knoxville, TN, I am an avid fan of the outdoors.  Some hobbies of mine include kayaking, hiking, throwing pottery, sailing, and hanging out with friends.  In addition, I am involved with AMIGOS, Manna, and AmbassaDores on campus.  One thing in particular that I look forward to this year is exploring different types of artistic expressions with my best friends.

                                                                  Katie Pons               
Hey everyone! My name is Katie and I am very excited about our VIP project this year! I am majoring in Psychology, potentially with a double major in Sociology. When I’m not in class or out exploring different art forms with this group I unhealthily obsess over cats, floral prints, big earring, taking pictures, hot air balloons and Sufjan Stevens. I try not to take things too seriously, which mostly results in my grades slipping up, but I guess some of us have to be mediocre. But I am not as mediocre as HOD majors (just kidding, but not really...shout out to Laura Brokaw!)

Laura Brokaw
 My name is Laura Brokaw and for those of you who don’t know me I am just a little bit crazy. I love to try new things, commit to EVERYTHING, travel around the world, and sometimes I wish that hitchhiking was still a legitimate way to get from place to place. I am an HOD major all the way (it is just as legit as your major) and am ready to find the artsy side of Nashville this year until I return to Los Angeles, the city that I call home.

Paul Clymer
Hi, I’m Paul, a sophomore majoring in Computer Science and Math, minoring in Engineering Management here at Vandy.  I’m a laid-back guy who enjoys music, running, video games, and a good book.  Probably the least artistic of the Crew, I’m looking forward to exploring a side of the brain that goes unused in my studies here at Vandy.