Monday, October 31, 2011

Día de los Muertos

I (Katie) don't have a lot of time to blog right now! But a picture is worth a thousand words, right? So here are some pictures from our Saturday in Cheekwood! Hopefully one of my other Creation Station amigos can provide commentary on the day:

So hopefully this give you an idea of how much fun we had! It really was an awesome day!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Roof Tops and Raging...nbd

So basically, we , Laura and Katie, have been stationed at several locations of creation recently. Yes, we realize how dumb  AWESOME that sounds. But sadly, we're busy with school work, really involved and totes pop (jk, but not really), so we haven't had time to blog. Rewind.... actually we just procrastinate and watch too much Modern Family (but that's an art form, right?). Not to fear, we're going to fill all of you, our faithful readers, in right now!

Greek Festival- Being on a college campus, when you hear "Greek" you think of Natty Lite, chapter meetings, and philanthropy(...right, guys?).  However, there is actually a country called Greece with culture and traditions that extend far beyond frat row. We actually got off campus for a night with Chris to see the way people in the Greek community express themselves through various forms of art- costumes, food specialties, dancing, and cutely decorated knickknacks. We even pretended like we were Greek for a night... we swear people believed us until we started dancing. Not really, since we have no idea how to pronounce Gyro. Let's just say, it was a learning experience. All in all, we had a great time, and you should definitely check this culture out!

Musician's Corner in Centennial Park- Parents' weekend rolled around, and really, who takes their parents to tailgates? That's just awkward. And those lectures on the history of the Earth. We mean, as much as we want to spend Saturday listening to yet another lecture, we feel like our time could be better spent. So this weekend, we, along with Alex and our friend Hannah, decided to hit up Centennial to see some of Nashville's musicians. Not to mention, it's FREE! It's weird how being free makes everything more fun. You know those awkward free concerts where nobody cares except for the musicians and the managers who actually think they're going to "make it big," yet they have to convince you to even take their demo... yeahhh, this wasn't one of those times! These people were actually good and we were super impressed. Not to mention, there were dogs that looked like horses, we're not even kidding, and an awesome homeless man with dreads down to his knees dancing around. This is a weekly event and we really can't wait to go back Saturdays this fall for awesome music and beautiful photo shoot opportunities.

Margot and the Nuclear So & So's- Not sure if you've ever heard of this indie band, but we have. Don't spread it around, because once people start liking it, we can't anymore (that's what indie means of course). But really, they're chill and great to listen to while writing papers. So we, along with Madeline, decided to support them by seeing them at the Exit In this week. Although they didn't play our favorite and their most popular song (ugh, so indie) we had a really good time and they had some beautiful acoustic songs. And if you haven't checked out the Exit In, it's a great venue with small and personal concerts at student affordable prices.

Roof-Top Adventures- In a spontaneous moment on the Terrace Place parking garage roof top, we, along with Madeline, decided to write down the negative things in our life and throw them off the roof. The sun was setting over the skyline as the unfavorable parts of our life drifted away. Sooo symbolic, yeah we're deep. But nobody wants to end on the negative, so instead we wrote down the things that make us love life and let them float into the heart of the city. It was kinda awkward though, because they all flew back in our faces and in a panicked rush we ran in circles trying to throw them off again. They just didn't want to leave us. Also symbolic. You should honestly just study our lives in your literature classes. So maybe you're overbooked and can't find time to fit all these exciting things into your schedule. Or maybe you want to plan your own creative event. We really suggest you try this because for us, it was a perfect way to de-stress and it was just generally fun.

Sorry for not writing for so long, but clearly we're just SUPER cool and busy. Hope you enjoyed our adventures and follow us in the future!

Laura and Katie