Thursday, September 8, 2011

A Breakdown of The Highest Caliber

Hey everyone, it's Will. I just got done having a moving experience involving the arts in a third floor room in Buttrick Hall at 10:30 on a Thursday night. While most of my peers are downtown partaking in "extra-curricular activities", I am holed up in Buttrick studying for my first French exam of the year (a truly joyous occaison).

One of the things I love about Buttrick is that you can play music through the speakers that are set up around each classroom. Let me paint you a picture; I am half-delirious from studying already, despite the fact that it's only 10:00 (I'm just that pathetic.) I have one of my favorite songs playing loudly through the speakers: "Separator" off of the new Radiohead album. I'm in the middle of writing some definitions on the board when I suddenly just lose it. I dropped my chalk, cranked up the volume, and started to dance. It would have been extremely embarrassing, I assure you. For the duration of the song, I was no longer studying by myself in a classroom. It was just me and the music, and I had four minutes of pure bliss; free from responsibility, stress, and fatigue. Music has and always will be my escape, whether it be from something inconsequential like studying, or from some of the larger problems we all encounter in life.

The main gist of this long post is that you should let go. Whatever your escape is, take a moment sometime to use it. Forget your inhibitions and let creative expression give you a break from the demanding atmosphere here at Vandy. Bonne nuit - Will

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